
Thank You Mount Shasta!


A big Thank You to everyone who wrote comments, attended meetings and contributed funds to this effort to have a real and effective EIR for Crystal Geyser.

 Community Comments on the Crystal Geyser EIR

An amazing 150 comments were submitted to the County commenting on the Crystal Geyser draft EIR. The draft EIR was a poorly written and inadequate document that overlooked many of the harmful effects that this plant will cause. Concerned community members pointed this out again and again in an outpouring of thoughtful and well researched comments. The City of Mount Shasta held two meetings to discuss the City's response, and adopted a much stronger statement after numerous comments received from the public.  W.A.T.E.R. and the Gateway Neighborhood Association (GNA) also hired lawyers and expert consultants to forcefully respond to the legal and technical issues around this draft EIR.
See the entire list of 
comments submitted


Links to specific comments:

GNA attorney Marcia Burch

W.A.T.E.R. attorney Don Mooney

Hydrogeologic expert Tim Parker, Parker Groundwater

Traffic expert Tom Brohard, Brohard and Associates

Waste water treatment expert Peter Martin

Air Quality expert Greg Gilbert, Autumn Wind Associates

Noise expert Geoffrey Hornek

Comments by the City of Mount Shasta


 The Real Crystal Geyser Project Revealed
The comment period for the Crystal Geyser Plant Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) is now complete. If you look at what Crystal Geyser disclosed during this process, you will notice that the project is much larger and its impact on both the environment and our community is much greater than what the company originally told the public, the City, our County Supervisor and the Chamber of Commerce at the community meeting on March 24th, 2014.  
The Gateway Neighborhood Association (GNA) and W.A.T.E.R. fought hard to get a full EIR because we knew that the public was not being told the truth. Here are a few project changes, undisclosed to the public until the DEIR: