Crystal Geyser removes equipment from Mt. Shasta plant.
Last December we noticed that Crystal Geyser removed two large cooling units from the North side of the building. Within the last month Crystal Geyser also removed two large gas tanks and an evaporator on the East side. Crystal Geyser has not revealed changes to their previously stated plans for the plant or its operations. In a continuing pattern of secrecy, as far as we know, neither Siskiyou County or City of Mount Shasta officials have been informed of what Crystal Geyser plans to do with the plant. In January 2020 a Crystal Geyser spokesperson said they “continue to assess (their) California business strategy...” (Mount Shasta Herald).
Our Court case against the flawed Crystal Geyser EIR continues as we wait for a hearing date to be set by the Appellate Court in Sacramento.