The City of Mount Shasta is planning to update the city’s general plan (City General Plan webpage). Included in this is an important section on water usage and planning (Water Resource Element PDF). W.A.T.E.R. found serious deficiencies in this document and has submitted comments to further protect and preserve our water resources. Some of our comments:
• “All ordinances on the books must be reviewed as to how the Water Element is affected. For example, the Water Bottling exemption is still on the books, that must be removed as soon as possible. Every project must be permitted and able to be reviewed rather than ministerial permits which allow projects to move forward without public input.”
• “Promote the City‘s care for water by having signs up for water refill stations and drinking fountains.”
• “In a future that is clearly changing and the reality that the status quo will not suffice, it is crucial for this WE document to 1) adopt the Precautionary Principle in order to protect water resources for the community and downstream uses and 2) utilize anti-degradation policies to set the standard for water quality.”
Read our entire comment letter HERE.